Telugu director Nakkina Trinadha Rao’s vulgar talk landed him in trouble. At the teaser release event of Mazaka, the director spoke about heroine Anshu and said he asked her to gain some weight as Telugu audiences need more ‘sizes’. This was ridiculed by all,l and many condemned his choice of words.
The director today apologized for his words, saying he intended to generate some fun but agreed that it offended many. The movie’s lead actor, Sundeep Kishan, also conveyed his apologies on behalf of his Mazaka team. In a late update, actress Anshu created a video supporting her director Trinadha Rao and asked all to put this topic to rest.
“He’s an absolute pleasure to work with and a loveliest man on the planet.”
– #Anshu about #TrinadhaRaoNakkina .
Anshu in her video byte says Trinadha Rao is an absolute pleasure to work with and the loveliest man on the planet. Anshu further says that Trinadha Rao treated her like family and he always treated her with respect. She also opines that his words are blown out of proportion and requests all to put this discussion to bed.
Trinadha Rao Nakkina’s apology settled the issue, and now Anshu’s request ends the topic. However, as Sundeep Kishan says, the right choice of words is always important which otherwise sets a wrong example.
Tags Anshu Trinadha Rao Nakkina