Himachal Pradesh Police has booked Haryana BJP chief Mohanlal Badoli and singer Jai Bhagwan, also known as Rocky, for allegedly gang-raping a woman in a Kasauli hotel. The FIR was registered on December 13, 2024, in Solan district, following a complaint from the victim, officials said Tuesday.
The complainant alleged that the two men made videos of the assault and threatened to kill her if she reported the incident. According to the FIR, the woman was staying at a hotel in Kasauli on July 3, 2023, with her boss and a friend when she met the accused.
Badoli introduced himself as a political leader, and Rocky presented himself as a singer. The accused reportedly promised to help the woman secure a government job and a role in a music video.
The complainant stated that the men forced her to consume alcohol. When she refused, they raped her. “They also clicked pictures and recorded videos of the act and threatened to kill me if I spoke about it,” the victim alleged in her statement.
Two months ago, the complainant said she was called to Rocky’s house in Panchkula, where the accused threatened to implicate her in a false case. The police have registered a case under Sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against Badoli and Rocky.
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