Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is the top TV show. It has always been at the top of the TRP charts. However, since a few months, the numbers of the show have been falling. The show recently took a leap after which Hitesh Bharadwaj had entered as the lead actor. He played the role of Rajat opposite Bhavika Sharma aka Savi. However, we saw the TRPs were not increasing and the makers tried everything to revive the numbers. Hence, they soon decided to take a leap and have a new cast for the show.
Bhavika and Hitesh recently confirmed that they are leaving the show. As per reports, Sanam Johar, Vaibhavi Hankare, Zaan Khan, Sai Ketan Rao have been approached to be a part of the show. A few days ago, some pictures went viral when we saw Dheeraj Dhoopar shooting for the show with Vaibhavi Hankare.
However, now the recent reports in India Forums state that Param Singh has been approached to be a part of the serial. He has been approached to play the lead role in the show. Again, there are no confirmations about the same. However, the sources on the set have said that he is a part of the show.
The show earlier had Shakti Arora as the lead actor. Shakti and Bhavika looked great together and everyone loved their chemistry. Before them, we saw Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma and Ayesha Singh as the leads. They too made everyone fall in love with the story.
Their exit from the show also came as a big shock for everyone and nobody was happy to see them go away.