Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is among the top five TRP raking shows. Earlier, the show starred Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma and Ayesha Singh. Post the leap, Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma took the story forward. Early in 2024, the show took another leap. Moving 7 years forward, Hitesh Bharadwaj came in as a the male lead after Shakti Arora’s character died in the show. Bhavika Sharma remained to be the female lead. But well, Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is set for another big leap.
In a recent interview with portal Pinkvilla, confirmed that is going ahead with a leap. When asked whether she would be a part of it, she said that she is quitting the show. Bhavika also shared some details about the cast of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin post leap as she added, “No, I won’t be a part. Nobody is going to be a part of the show. They will start a new chapter—a new season with a different story.” So this means that Hitesh Bharadwaj and other stars too are going to exit the show. The actress also revealed that they will complete the shooting by the end of January before the new chapter begins. The actress did not reveal how her character will come to an end though. Meanwhile, Sheezan Khan has bid adieu to Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. He wrote a heartfelt note on social media. He joined the show as Anubhav and appeared in a cameo.
As the reports of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin going for a leap made it to entertainment news, names of many TV actors joining the show have made it to headlines. Names of celebs like Sai Ketan Rao, Sanam Johar and others are doing the rounds of gossip mills as the new cast of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. However, no confirmation has been shared yet.