Maha Kumbh 2025: The stage is all set for Maha Kumbh festivities in Uttar Pradesh with the police team on their toes. The Yogi Adityanath administration has already made elaborate arrangements and security forces have been warned about possible threats. Not only AI CCTV cameras and high-tech gear for forces, the UP Police is also deploying cutting-edge technology including ‘underwater drones’ to thwart any potential use of water bodies by miscreants.
According to a PTI report, ‘underwater drones’ capable of diving up to 100 meters will be deployed during the upcoming Maha Kumbh for the first time to provide round-the-clock surveillance in the Sangam area.
The 45-day festival, scheduled from January 13 to February 26, is anticipated to welcome over 400 million devotees from around the world, offering a vibrant celebration of India’s rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions.
India’s Prayagraj prepares for .
350 fire vehicles ready to ensure safety at the event. brings you WION’s exclusive ground report.
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To ensure safety and efficiency, the event will feature cutting-edge technology, including 2,700 AI-enabled cameras for real-time monitoring and facial recognition systems at entry points. “A team of 56 cyber warriors will monitor online threats. Cyber help desks are being set up in all police stations,” said the UP government.
Additionally, a robust security presence of over 50,000 personnel, including members of paramilitary forces, will be deployed to maintain order and provide assistance, the ministry stated.
A state-of-the-art multi-disaster response vehicle would enhance safety and disaster readiness, “capable of handling situations ranging from natural disasters to road accidents”, said a statement by the Cultural Ministry.
“This includes a lifting bag with a capacity of 10-20 tonnes, enabling the rescue of individuals buried under debris and specialised machines to lift and move heavy objects weighing up to 1.5 tonnes,” the statement said.
For healthcare facilities, temporary hospitals equipped with surgical and diagnostic facilities are being set up. “Bhishma Cube”, capable of treating up to 200 people simultaneously, is being deployed, the statement said.
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