In a tragic incident on Wednesday night, four devotees, including three women, lost their lives and several others were injured in a stampede as hundreds of people scrambled for tickets for the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam at Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple on Tirumala Hills, according to a police official.
Hundreds of devotees from across the country gathered for the 10-day Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam, which began on January 10.
“Three women and a man died in the stampede,” the official said, PTI reported.
According to ANI, Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu expressed deep shock over the death of four devotees in the stampede near Vishnu Niwasam in Tirupati for darshan tokens at Tirumala Srivari Vaikuntha Dwara.
Meanwhile, videos of police administering CPR on a couple of woman devotees and injured persons being shifted in ambulances went viral.
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