Recently, Ram Gopal Varma announced a new film called Syndicate and promised to wash all his “cinema sins” that he committed over the last few years with this movie. Meanwhile, reports in the media claimed that Syndicate would feature star actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Venkatesh, Manoj Bajpayee and Fahadh Faasil and will be produced by Mythri Movie Makers.
These rumours spread like wildfire on the internet within no time. Eventually, RGV had to clarify that there was no truth in the news about Syndicate’s casting.
On X, RGV tweeted, “Hey, it is true that I am doing the film SYNDICATE but the speculations on the cast and production house are COMPLETELY FALSE.”
Ever since RGV announced Syndicate, a huge anticipation built around the movie because Ram Gopal Varma confessed that he lost track as a director after Satya and he realised it only after watching Satya for 27 years. Now, he promised to bring a vintage version of himself with Syndicate, which comes with the concept of “Only Man Can Be The Most Terrifying Animal.”
Since then, rumours have been spread regarding the cast and crew of this movie. Eventually, RGV clarified that neither the cast nor the producers have been finalised yet.