President Droupadi Murmu on Friday said digital fraud, cybercrime and emerging technologies such as deep fakes pose challenge to India’s social, economic, and national security. Addressing both the Houses of Parliament assembled together in the Lok Sabha chamber, Murmu said the government has taken numerous measures to control these cyber threats, creating opportunities for employment in the field of cybersecurity for the youth.
“Digital fraud, cybercrime, and emerging technologies like deep fakes pose challenges to our social, economic, and national security,” the President said. “My government is continuously working to ensure competence in cybersecurity. As a result of these efforts, India has achieved tier-1 status in the Global Cybersecurity Index,” she said.
Murmu said the government has emphasised e-governance to minimise government interference in people’s daily lives. “For instance, DigiLocker has enabled individuals to access and display their important documents anytime, anywhere. However, in an increasingly digital society, cybersecurity has become a crucial issue of national importance,” she said.
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