After Sreemukhi, producer Dil Raju also tendered an apology today for his comments at the Sankranthi ki Vastunnam event which took place in Nizamabad. Dil Raju made some comments about the infamous Telangana culture, but many misinterpreted them and claimed that Dil Raju insulted our culture.
In fact, Dil Raju did not intend to hurt anyone, but the way he made the comments did not go well with some. Today, he shared a social media video asking for an apology.
“I have a deep connection with Nizamabad, so I chose to hold this event here. During my speech, I mentioned meat and toddy as integral parts of Telangana’s culture. However, I later learned that some people were upset by my comments. I simply expressed that I missed the Dawat of Telangana culture, but my words were misunderstood and sparked unnecessary controversy. If my comments have hurt anyone, I sincerely apologize. My intention was never to disrespect or tarnish the rich culture of Telangana,” said Dil Raju.
#DilRaju apologizes to the people of Nizamabad and Telangana for the comments he made at Sankranthiki Vasthunam trailer launch event.
Explaining the service he did for the Telangana community, Dil Raju said, “Earlier, I made the films Fidaa and Balagam, which made the entire Telangana community proud.”
Many BRS leaders also criticized Dil Raju. As a result, he urged the political parties and politicians not to drag him into their narratives. “I am currently the chairman of FDC, where I act as a bridge between the government and the film industry. I want to help the film industry and hence I urge all the political parties to keep me away from their narratives,” he said.
In the same event, host Sreemukhi commented that Lord Sriram and Lakshman are fictional characters.
Tags Dil Raju