A few days ago, poet grabbed headlines for his remarks on Sonakshi Sinha. Now, the poet is back in the news for his comments on and . According to reports, Kumar has not attacked the Bollywood couple for naming their older son Taimur Ali Khan. During a recent program, the poet criticised the couple. But why did he slam them for naming their son Taimur? Keep reading further…
As reported by several entertainment news portals, Kumar Vishwas expressed his discontent over and naming their son Taimur Ali Khan. Kumar said that celebrities should be careful about the names they give to their children, as they are also popular. At an event in Moradabad, the poet said, “People sitting in Mayanagar will have to understand what the country wants. Now it will not work that you will take popularity from us; we will give money; we will buy tickets. We will make the hero and heroine. And if you have a child from your third marriage, you will name him after some invader coming from outside. This will not work.”
Further, in Hindi, Kumar Vishwas said that there are so many names the couple could’ve chosen. Vishwas said they could’ve named their son Rizwan or Usman or Yunus. Kumar said how Saif and Kareena named their son after a rude and lame man who came to India and “raped” mothers and sisters. He said, “Now if you make him a hero, we won’t even let him become a villain. Keep this in mind. India has awakened. This is a new India.”
This is not the first time the couple has been slammed for naming their son Taimur. When he was born in 2016, Kareena and her son were bashed a lot and even received threats. Earlier in an interview, the Singham Again star said that the negative comments on her son’s name had affected her.