A bizarre case involving a notorious man surfaced in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut, instilling fear in the minds of the city’s residents. Known as the ‘Thappad Man,’ he would ride his scooter during the night hours and slap unsuspecting pedestrians before fleeing the scene. For a while, this man had become a nightmare for the police, who had no leads to track him down.
In a bid to catch this man, police examined multiple CCTV footage and finally found a video showing this man slapping an elderly retired official. Based on the clue, the police set a trap and successfully apprehended him.
In today’s episode of DNA, ZEE News explained how “Thappad Man” slapped people on the streets and how the police caught him. While riding his scooter in the night, the man would quickly appear and slap random passersby. His actions had made lifes of people walking on the streets misreable.
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After several efforts and planning of the police, the ‘Thappad Man’ of Meerut is finally in the clutches of the law. The man was identified as Kapil. The man, once roaming the streets like a terror, now sits nervously in police custody. His reckless acts had created fear among the people of Meerut.
In one of his attacks, a scooter quickly approached a passerby, and the slap was so hard that the victim fell to the ground. The person responsible for these slaps was none other than Kapil, who has now been arrested. Kapil, the man behind these shocking acts, had become a big challenge for the Meerut police. After thoroughly examining 50 CCTV cameras in the area, the police finally traced him, leading to his arrest.
It has been revealed that Kapil also targeted several women and girls, which led to agitation and protests at the local police station. With each passing day, the pressure was mounting on the police to arrest him. It is believed that family issues and depression may have driven Kapil to commit these disturbing acts.
The police are currently interrogating Kapil and conducting a medical examination. Only after the investigation will it be clear whether he was truly mentally disturbed or if he was carrying out these actions out of sheer fascination.
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