New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is preparing a blitzkrieg campaign against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the Delhi polls. From the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the saffron party has put all hands on deck to secure a clear mandate in Delhi. Meetings have begun in full swing to tackle the forthcoming challenges, with a primary focus on the 68 assembly seats where candidates have already been announced
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The BJP has divided the 68 assembly seats in Delhi into four groups to chalk out its election strategy. In Category A, there are 8-12 seats where the party expects to win easily. Category B includes seats where the BJP has a good chance of winning. It also focuses on 32 seats where RSS workers will play a key role in helping the party. Category C includes 25-30 seats where the BJP is likely to face strong competition. Finally, Category D consists of seats where the BJP has very little to no chance of securing a victory.
The Sangh’s blueprint for securing victory focuses heavily on 30 seats with the largest number of Dalit voters, aiming to concentrate efforts in these key areas to maximize support.
The battle for Delhi is now set between two heavyweights: former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. This direct face-off is expected to shake up the political landscape of the capital.
Yogi’s ability to turn a single slogan into an election game-changer is well-known. Kejriwal has already targeted this strength, marking the start of this political clash. Now, Yogi is expected to respond in round two. His name is on the list of BJP’s star campaigners, and he is likely to join the campaign soon. Once he does, the result of this election may well be decided.
The real fight for Delhi’s political future is about to begin. Yogi, famous for leading BJP to victories in Haryana and Maharashtra with the slogan ‘Bantenge toh Katenge,’ faces a tougher challenge in Delhi, where Kejriwal is fully prepared for the combat.
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