The Nampally court has issued a verdict granting regular bail to Allu Arjun regarding the stampede incident at Sandhya Theater during the premier show of Pushpa 2. Allu Arjun’s legal team successfully argued that the provisions of the BNS Act 105 did not apply to him.
The advocates emphasized that the actor was neither directly nor indirectly responsible for the stampede, noting that the incident occurred 30 meters away from the area where Allu Arjun was present. Furthermore, his lawyers contended that his presence at the venue did not cause the chaos.
The prosecution, representing the police, countered by asserting that Allu Arjun’s arrival had triggered the scuffle and subsequent stampede. Given his influential status, they expressed concerns that granting him bail might impede the investigation.
Ultimately, the court granted Allu Arjun regular bail on a surety of ₹50,000 and two additional sureties. This decision brings closure to his interim bail status granted earlier by the High Court.