India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to his social media handle to congratulate Koneru Humpy after she won her second World Rapid Championship title. “Congratulations to Koneru Humpy on winning the 2024 FIDE Women’s World Rapid Championship! Her grit and brilliance continue to inspire millions,” PM Modi wrote on X.
“This victory is even more historic because it is her second world rapid championship title, thereby making her the only Indian to achieve this incredible feat,” he added.
Congratulations to on winning the 2024 FIDE Women’s World Rapid Championship! Her grit and brilliance continues to inspire millions.
This victory is even more historic because it is her second world rapid championship title, thereby making her the only Indian to…
— Narendra Modi (narendramodi)
Koneru Humpy is one of the top-rated female chess players in India and she ended the tournament with 8.5/11. Earlier, she grabbed her first gold medal in the 2019 edition, in Moscow.
Koneru came out as the only player to score the win in a seven-way tie at the top during the beginning of the final. She opted to play with the black pieces, and she outplayed Indonesia’s International Master Irine Kharisma Sukandar in the final game and won the title.
“It’s not easy to become a world champion when you are 37. It’s quite difficult when you get older to keep that motivation and stay sharp when required. I’m glad that I made it,” Kuneru said after the victory, as quoted by FIDE.
“I feel very happy for winning for the second time. In fact, I didn’t expect it at all because I lost my first-round game, and I never imagined that I could finish the tournament as a world champion. This victory is very special. When I am on my lower side, I think this gave me the boost to fight and to again work on chess,” she added.
“It’s high time for India – we have Gukesh as the World Champion and now I got the second world title in the Rapid event”, Kuneru said.
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