is one of the most anticipated historical drama that audiences have been waiting to watch. Laxman Utekar’s film trailer was recently launched and it has been creating buzz since then. The excitement levels of fans were witnessed on social media. At the same time, the trailer video ignited a backlash from history enthusiasts and lovers. The absence of the word Hindavi in a key dialogue and also some unexpected scenes of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj have left everyone upset.
The Chhaava trailer features as Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, but some viewers who are history lovers took offense at the portrayal. The idea of Sambhaji Raje as a warrior-king dancing has been labeled by netizens as Bollywood’s attempt to dilute his heroic legacy. A particular section of netizens also said that the decision tarnished the image of a leader who has dedicated his entire life to defending his people and faith.
Later, YouTuber Pratik Borade has shared his views in a video and got slammed for his act. One user wrote, ‘I hated it when Sambhaji Raje was shown dancing. Why does Bollywood feel the need to add its touch everywhere? Our king was a warrior and a protector of Dharma, not someone who danced for entertainment. This is a disrespect to his legacy’.
Netizens also lost their calm at a dialogue that was inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s vision. ‘He Hindavi Swaraj Vhave He Shrinchi Ichaa’ (This Hindavi Swarajya is the divine will). The dialogue in the trailer showed He Rajya Vhave. Also, the omission of term Hindavi which means the inclusive and unified identity of Swarajya, has been understood by many as an intebntional act to erase historical and cultural significance. One wrote, ‘I have grown up hearing the mantra ‘हे हिंदवी स्वराज्य व्हाव ही श्रींची इच्छा.’ Bollywood has deliberately removed it to push their liberal agenda. This is unacceptable!’ Another commented saying, ‘They used the word Swarajya but not Hindavi Swarajya. It’s shameful how they’re trying to restrict Sambhaji Maharaj’s vision to a regional identity’.
However, the trailer of Chhaava has been drawing criticism for allegedly giving unnecessary respect to Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. A poster of actor Akshaye Khanna’s character as Mughal Shahenshah Aurangzeb has sparked outrage. The trailer has left audiences heartbroken with Bollywood’s approach towards historical dramas.