Lately, there has been much discussion about the release date of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu. Several reports had suggested that the film might not release on March 28th as planned, with speculation that it could be postponed due to delays in production. Some sources even claimed that buyers weren’t showing interest in purchasing the movie for the asking price.
However, the team has now confirmed that the film is on track to release on March 28, 2025. They reiterated the same release date in a new poster unveiled today, which features Bobby Deol. The poster was released to mark Bobby’s birthday.
After the massive success of Animal, Bobby has been receiving several offers in the South. Recently, he appeared as the antagonist in Kanguva and Daaku Maharaaj. He will next be seen in Hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Meanwhile, fans are excited and relieved to know that the makers have stuck to the original release date. There’s a sense of anticipation as it has been over a year and a half since Pawan Kalyan was last seen on the big screen.
Tags Pawan Kalyan