Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, along with his deputies, paid floral tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on his death anniversary. However, during the event, Nitish Kumar started clapping at one moment and was stopped by Speaker Nand Kishore Yadav. CM Kumar had reached the Gandhi Ghat in Patna to pay tribute to the father of the nation.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the most prominent face of India’s freedom movement, was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on this day in 1948.
आज के दिन गोडसे द्वारा राष्ट्रपिता गांधी जी की हत्या करने पर ताली बजाकर उसका जश्न मनाते गोडसे उपासक बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री श्री नीतीश कुमार।
श्री नीतीश कुमार जी तन-मन से गोडसे और संघ के आराधक है। क्या यह घटना नहीं दर्शाती कि उनकी मानसिक स्थिति प्रदेश चलाने योग्य नहीं है?
— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi)
As soon as the video went viral, RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav called CM Kumar a follower of Godse. He also raised questions on the CM’s mental health.
“Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, a Godse worshipper, claps and celebrates the murder of Father of the Nation Gandhiji. Nitish Kumar is a worshipper of Godse and the Sangh in heart and soul. Doesn’t this incident show that his mental state is not fit to run the state? He had also thrown down his bow and arrow during the Ravana Dahan program organized on Dussehra. Later some people said that at that time his mental state was such that he felt that someone had given him a snake instead of an arrow and bow, so he threw it suddenly,” said Tejashwi Yadav.
CM Kumar has been on the radars of the opposition due to his acts or statements that often trigger controversies. Days before, Tejashwi has slammed Kumar for making a comment on women.
पहले बिहार की बेटियां कपड़े ही नहीं, स्वाभिमान, स्वावलंबन और सम्मान भी पहनती थीं नीतीश कुमार जी।
‘स्त्री परिधान वैज्ञानिक’ मत बनिए’! आप है नहीं। ‘स्त्री परिधान विशेषज्ञ’ बनकर अपनी घटिया सोच का प्रदर्शन बंद कीजिए। ये बयान नहीं,…
— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi)
“Earlier, the daughters of Bihar not only wore clothes but also self-respect, self-reliance and honour, Nitish Kumar ji. Don’t become a ‘women’s clothing scientist’! You are CM, not Women Fashion Designer. Stop displaying your poor thinking by becoming a ‘women’s clothing expert’. This is not a statement, but a direct insult to half the population of Bihar,” said Tejashwi while reacting to Nitish Kumar’s remark that women of the state are now getting clothes but earlier did not wear proper attire.
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