Excitement is skyrocketing for Bhairavam after the release of its intriguing first-look posters and the superhit first single. The film stars Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, Nara Rohith, and Manoj Manchu in lead roles. Directed by Vijay Kanakamedala and produced by KK Radhamohan under the banner of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, with Pen Studios presenting, the Bhairavam teaser was released today.
The teaser opens with an intense voiceover, where a female narrator vividly describes the chaos and destruction caused by Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas’ character, drawing a comparison to the actions of Lord Krishna. The story is anchored in the spiritual setting of the Vaarahi Temple, where three inseparable friends- played by Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, Manoj Manchu, and Nara Rohith, are ready to go to any lengths for one another.
Known for his intense narratives, director Vijay Kanakamedala has skillfully crafted the teaser, presenting each character with strength and conviction. Packed with high-octane action and massy dialogues, the teaser perfectly sets the tone for a gripping drama.
Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas impresses with a rugged and fierce portrayal, particularly shining in the final moments, where his character exudes a powerful intensity. Manoj Manchu delivers a dynamic performance, while Nara Rohith also stands out with his strong presence. Aditi Shankar, Anandhi, and Divya Pillai play pivotal roles as the female leads.
The film’s visuals, captured by cinematographer Hari K Vedantam, bring the grandeur of the story to life, while Sri Charan Pakala’s terrific background score augments the impact of the teaser. With stunning production values and an engaging storyline, Bhairavam is sure to deliver a triple dhamaka of action, emotion, and drama.