Actor and BJP MP participated in the historic in on January 29 unaware that an unintentionally amusing moment from her experience would go viral. For the unversed, Hema took a holy dip in the Triveni Sangam on . As evident from the video, she stood behind and waited patiently for her opportunity to take the dip.
While taking a dip, Baba Ramdev tossed his long locks back and accidentally smacked sadhu’s head who stood behind him. Veteran actress Hema Malini who stood next to him couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Baba Ramdev too joined in on the fun. The playful funny moment had everyone in stitches. As expected, the clip has exploded on social media.
The video shows Hema Malini laughing joyfully at Baba Ramdev’s playful moment during the event alongside several VIP’s and other devotees who took dips in the holy river.
Actress and politician Hema Malini had joined the Maha Kumbh on Monday evening. During her visit, she also met Junapeethadhishwar Mahamandaleshwar Acharya Swami Avdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj, who is also popular as Pujya Prabhushri Ji. According to reports, she had discussed spirituality during the meeting. After taking the dip at Triveni Sangam on Mauni Amavasya, Hema also expressed gratitude and said, “I am feeling great. I have never had such an experience before. Today is a very special day, and I am fortunate to take the holy dip.”
A stampede recently broke out at the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj which killed 30 people and injured at least 60. A PIL was filed in the Supreme Court accusing the Uttar Pradesh government of “lapses, negligence, and utter failure of administration.”