is all set to make her Bollywood debut with the movie Azaad. Everyone is looking forward to the magic daughter will bring on screen. Also starring Aaman Devgan in the lead role, the trailer has already got everyone excited. However, Rasha’s dance number ‘Uyi Amma’ has become a big topic of discussion. While her dance moves are amazing, Rasha’s expressions in the songs have won the audience.
We all know that was brilliant when it came to delivering such fantastic dance numbers. Whether it’s Tip Tip Barsa Pani or Ankhiyon Se Goli Maare, Raveena’s expressions have always been on point. In an exclusive conversation, BollywoodLIFE’s Pooja Darade asked Rasha Thadani if it was her mother and actress Raveena who explained to her the importance of expressions in such songs. The Azaad actress gave the credit to her mother, who encouraged her to watch Rekha’s songs.
Rasha Thadani told BollywoodLife, “She has made me watch and learn from a lot of ji’s songs like Inn Aankhon Ki Masti Mein and lots of these songs so that I can pick up and try and learn from them. Because it’s an art, performance is an art. She has always tried to emphasise how these movies have so much strength in them because of the expression. She makes me watch all these films and songs.”
The Azaad star added, “She makes me pause and say, ‘See, Rekha ji’s expressions in this (song), see her eyes’. My mom explains these things to me.” Further in this entertainment news, Rasha talked about her character in her debut film with Abhishek Kapoor. The debutant actress said that the film changed her as a person, as her character is quite fearless, headstrong, and confident. “Trying to adapt her characteristics into me made me a stronger person,” revealed the actress.
Azaad also stars Ajay Devgn and Piyush Mishra in pivotal roles. It will release in theatres on January 17, 2025.