In the first evidence that deceased Bengaluru techie Atul Subhash’s son is fit and fine, the four-year-old was produced before the Supreme Court for the first time via video link after the same was demanded by the bench hearing the plea. Since the death of Subhash, his family – grandparents of the kid – have been demanding custody of the child and even moved to the apex court for the same.
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a plea by the grandmother of a child, who had sought custody from the child’s mother, Nikita Singhania. The grandmother claimed that her daughter-in-law was not disclosing the child’s whereabouts.
A Bench comprising Justice BV Nagarathna and Justice Satish Chandra Sharma spoke with the child and decided that he should remain with his mother. Consequently, the grandmother’s request was dismissed, and the Court stated it would not entertain her plea.
Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court directed Nikita Singhania to bring her minor son before the court. “This is a habeas corpus petition. We want to see the child. Produce the child,” the bench said.
The court was informed that the child had dropped out of school in Haryana and was currently living with his mother. The bench was hearing a petition filed by Anju Devi, the grandmother, who sought custody of her four-year-old grandson through a habeas corpus plea.
On January 7, the Supreme Court denied Anju Devi custody of the child, stating that she was a “stranger to the child.”
The case stems from the tragic death of Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old Bengaluru software engineer who died by suicide. In a detailed suicide note and video, he accused his estranged wife, Nikita Singhania, and her family of harassment and filing false cases against him, which he said drove him to take his own life.
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