The intruder behind the stabbing incident that unfolded inside actor Saif Ali Khan’s house in Mumbai’s Bandra West in the wee hours of Thursday went to the room of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s youngest son, Jehangir, where he was first spotted by the house help. In a police complaint, the house help, Eliyama Philip (56), shared the chilling details pertaining to the attack. She also informed that the man demanded Rs 1 crore.
In the attack inside Saif Ali Khan’s house, three people, including the actor, the nurse, and another staffer, sustained injuries. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times, resulting in injuries to his spinal cord. Following the incident, he was rushed to the city’s Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim in an auto-rickshaw.
1. In the police complaint, the house help Philip, who first spotted the intruder, revealed that she fed and put Khan’s youngest son, Jehangir, alias Jaybaba, 4, to bed at around 11 pm on January 15, according to news agency PTI.
2. Later, she, along with her colleague, settled in for the night. The house help further informed that she was woken up by two noises at around 2 AM, and she sat upright. She noticed the bathroom door was open with the light on, assuming Kareena Ma’am had come to see Jeh Baba.
3. Later, as Philip leaned over to check who was in the bathroom, a person emerged from inside and headed towards Jeh Baba’s bed, as per the PTI report. She was alarmed by the intruder, and she quickly approached Jeh Baba. The attacker then gestured towards her, saying, “Koi aawaz nahi (don’t make any noise).”
4. The events that unfolded inside the room woke Junu, Jeh baba’s nanny. The intruder warned her not to make noise. According to the house help, the man was holding a stick in his left hand and wielding a long, thin, blade-like object in his right hand.
5. The house help intervened to save Saif’s youngest son. She was attacked by the man with the blade, leaving both her hands injured. “What do you want? How much money do you want?” she asked him. “Rs 1 crore,” he replied.
6. Meanwhile, Mumbai Police have formed as many as 20 teams to track down and nab the intruder and are tapping their network of informers to locate him, officials said.
7. Police are examining the CCTV footage of the building showing the intruder, who was armed with a wooden stick and a long Hexa blade, fleeing after the attack, which took place during a “burglary attempt” in the apartment housed in the `Satguru Sharan’ building, they said.
8. The footage, captured at 2:33 am, clearly showed the young suspect’s face. He is seen wearing a brown collared T-shirt and red scarf, or `gamcha,’ while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building. The 54-year-old actor lives on the 12th floor.
9. Based on details gathered from the footage and other clues, police have launched a search for the attacker. Investigators believe the intruder may have changed his clothes before fleeing the spot, he said.
10. Police have recorded statements of nurse Philip, house helps, and the guard of the building and questioned some persons, the official informed. “Police have formed 20 teams and launched a search for the accused,” he said, adding they are trying to find out if he has a previous criminal record. Probe teams are also taking the help of informers and relying on technical support to nab the attacker, another official said.
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