Delhi Assembly Polls: Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday filed his nomination for the upcoming assembly elections from the New Delhi constituency. In the affidavit submitted to the Election Commission, the AAP supremo declared net assets totalling Rs 1.73 crore. He also revealed that he owns neither a house nor a car.
According to Kejriwal’s affidavit, his assets include Rs 2.96 lakh in bank savings and Rs 50,000 in cash. His immovable assets are worth Rs 1.7 crore. The affidavit also revealed that Kejriwal’s income in the financial year of 2023-24 was Rs 7.21 lakh.
As far as the former Delhi CM’s wife Sunita Kejriwal’s total assets are concerned, she owns assets worth Rs 2.5 crore. Her movable assets are worth Rs 1 crore, including 320 grams of gold worth Rs 25 lakh and one kilogram of silver worth Rs 92,000, and Rs 1.5 crore in immovable assets. Sunita Kejriwal owns a house in Gurugram and a small five-seater car, the affidavit said. The couple has net assets worth Rs 4.23 crore.
In the 2020 election affidavit, Arvind Kejriwal, who is contesting from the New Delhi seat, had declared assets worth Rs 3.4 crore. It was Rs 2.1 crore in 2015. On the New Delhi Assembly seat, Kejriwal is pitted against Bharatiya Janata Party’s Parvesh Verma, who also filed his nomination papers on Wednesday. Delhi is scheduled to vote in a single phase on February 5, and the results will be announced on February 8. The last date to file nomination papers is January 17.
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