Rupali Ganguly starrer Anupamaa recently took a leap after which many new actors entered the show. Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen were cast as the lead couple. They play Prem and Rahi in the show. However, Alisha was recently removed from the show and Adrija Roy replaced her as Rahi. Shivam has been praised for his performance as Prem. The actor was earlier a part of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. He played the role of Rohit Poddar in the show. However, he had taken a break from the show and it was shown in the serial that Rohit is missing. But, Shivam never returned to the show and Romit Raaj was cast as Rohit.
then entered as Prem. Now, he has opened up about missing shooting for . He spoke to Telly Chakkar and shared that he does miss shooting for the show and with his costars. He shared that he has not shot with Rohit Purohit and Garvita Sadhwani but he really misses shooting with Samridhii Shukla.
He said he had maximum scenes with Samridhii and he is still in touch with Anita Raaj. He does not get time to meet them as they are all shooting for long hours. Shivam also showered praises on Samridhii. He said that she is a sweetheart and is so innocent and he feels very protective towards her.
He added that Samridhii Shukla is a very talented actress and very focused. He also called her his good friend. Shivam did an amazing job as Rohit Poddar and many fans were upset when the makers decided not to bring him back as Rohit. However, he is now getting all the love as Prem in Rupali Ganguly’s show.