Anupamaa is one of the most-talked-about TV shows. Headlined by Rupali Ganguly, the serial produced by Rajan Shahi is among the top five shows on the TRP chart. This week, the show is on the second spot with 2.4 million impressions. It ruled the first spot for a long time which has now been taken over by Udne Ki Aasha. A lot of new actors and characters have added drama to Anupamaa post leap. Shivam Khajuria joined as Prem in the show and instantly won hearts. Recently, the actor dropped major spoiler about the upcoming storyline of Anupamaa.
The new promo of reveals that Anu played by and Rahi played by Adrija Roy will come face-to-face with Prem’s family. So far, they have believed that Prem is an orphan as he kept his family details hidden from all. However, they’ll soon get to know that Prem actually belongs to a very wealthy family. He is the son of Parag Kothari, a wealthy businessman. Anupamaa and Rahi are shocked as their faith in Prem will suffer a jolt.
In a report in portal India Forums, Shivam Khajuria has shared about the upcoming twists that fans can expect in Anupamaa. He was quoted saying, “The latest promo reveals a truth that will redefine the relationships between Anupama, Raahi, and Prem. Anupama’s unwavering belief in Prem and Rahi’s bond faces a severe test. The reasons behind Prem’s decision conceal his identity will bring new challenges, reshaping their interactions. The episodes ahead promise intense emotions and gripping drama.”
It looks like Rahi and Prem’s love saga is going to take a drastic turn. Will Prem’s family accept their relationship? Will they oppose their relationship? Will Anupamaa be able to tackle the situation? We will have to wait and see.