Rupali Ganguly starrer Anupamaa is in the news and has been the top TV show. The show has been at the top of the TRP charts ever since it began. However, recently the show took a leap and we saw the old cast leaving the show. The new story was included in Anupamaa’s life. New cast members entered the show. Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen were cast as the lead couple. But Alisha was replaced overnight by Adrija Roy.
We have seen in the show that Prem, Rahi and Mahi’s love triangle left Anu shocked. Mahi is madly in love with Prem while he loves Rahi. Rahi also eventually falls in love with Prem.
However, seeing Mahi’s craziness for Prem, they both decide sacrifice their love. But, everyone comes to know about Prem and Rahi. Mahi is devastated but Anu takes decision in favour of Rahi and Prem.
This affects Mahi and she starts hating Anu. Rahi and Prem’s love story begins but there is a roadblock as Prem’s family enters. Prem is Kothari family’s son and we see an ugly meeting of the Kotharis and Anu.
Khyati Kothari gives Anu the order to make prasad for their pooja. But Parag disagrees to take it since Anu is poor. He disrespects Anu and she decides never to meet the Kotharis again. Soon, she gets to know that Prem is Parag Kothari’s son. She gets shocked and feels cheated by Prem.
In the upcoming episodes of Rajan Shahi’s , we will see that Rahi will get hurt knowing this. But, we will see Parag and his family coming to the Shah house to ask for Rahi and Prem’s marriage.
Everyone will get confused to why this has happened and Parag will even apologise to Anu. But Rahi will decide not to get married to Prem. She will get hurt knowing that he kept things hidden. However, now Mahi will take advantage of this to get closer to Prem and his family.