Anant Ambani, the Director of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), articulated his ambition to elevate Jamnagar’s status as India marks the 25th anniversary of its renowned refinery. During a celebratory event at Jamnagar, he expressed his dreams for the city, his passion for wildlife and his dedication to realising the aspirations of his father Mukesh Ambani and his late grandfather Dhirubhai Ambani.
In his speech, Anant stated, “I am convinced that in 25 years, when India commemorates its centenary of independence, we will collectively elevate Jamnagar’s prestige and honor to unprecedented levels.”
He reflected on the vision of his grandfather, Dhirubhai Ambani, who aspired to establish a world-class refinery—a vision that Mukesh Ambani actualized during Dhirubhai’s lifetime.
“Today, I am thankful for the trust placed in me to carry forward this invaluable legacy,” Anant remarked.
On this significant occasion, he vowed to realise every vision associated with Jamnagar and assured his father of his commitment to these goals. Anant also passionately discussed his love for animals and birds, highlighting the role of Vantara—a large wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center initiated by Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation.
Inspired by his mother, Nita Ambani, who nurtured compassion for all living beings in him, he encouraged everyone to extend love and care towards animals and birds.
“Vantara exemplifies Reliance’s commitment to animal welfare as much as it does to human welfare. It embodies our ‘We Care’ philosophy,” he stated.
The Jamnagar refinery, Reliance’s inaugural facility, celebrated its 25th anniversary last week. Launched on December 28, 1999, it represents a pivotal achievement in Reliance’s journey and continues to symbolize its industrial strength. The refinery is poised for further advancements while also contributing to environmental sustainability through initiatives like Vantara.
Jamnagar has emerged as a global refining hub—an engineering marvel that showcases India’s industrial capabilities. Initially deemed impossible by many experts due to its remote location lacking essential infrastructure, Reliance completed the refinery in an impressive 33 months despite facing significant challenges such as a severe cyclone.
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