As the cold wave and fog intensify in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida, all schools in Gautam Buddha Nagar from class one to eight will remain shut from Friday. The decision to declare holidays came in view of the safety of school children amid the severe cold and fog. It will remain enforced till further orders and is applicable to all schools registered under the state boards, CBSE, ICSE, and others.
District Basic Education officer Rahul Panwar has issued a letter to the principals of all the schools in Noida, according to media reports.
Citing District Magistrate Gautam Buddha Nagar Manish Kumar Verma, Panwar, in the letter, stated that the cold has been intensifying continuously for the last few days. With this in view, the administration said that children coming to school in the morning will face problems.
Any school that tries to violate orders will invite strict action from the administration. The order is applicable until further notice from the district magistrate.
Several areas in Delhi-NCR, including Noida, have been battling cold with temperatures hovering between 8 and 17 degrees on Thursday, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). As per the weather office prediction, fog and mist are set to engulf Noida from January 3 to 6.
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