and ‘s wedding turned out to be the event of the decade. Mukesh Ambani and family went all out to celebrate the occassion. Their wedding extended over days with the most well-known personalities from across the world blessing the couple. After a few pre-wedding events, they got married in Mumbai at Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai on July 12, 2024. Shah Rukh Khan, Rajinikanth, Sachin Tendulkar, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and many more attended the event. Now, a video from Radhika Merchant’s first Makar Sankranti celebration as Ambani bahu has gone viral.
A video has gone viral on social media shows the Ambani family celebrating Makar Sankranti. The video is reportedly from Antilia and shows members flying kites on the terrace. It looks like all the members came together to celebrate the festival. The video is taken from far so not everyone is clearly visible but it is enough to go viral.
Radhika Merchant has comfortably settled in and taken over her duties as Ambani Bahu. She is often seen with family members, be it on vacations or at family events. She has even received a warm welcome to the Reliance Family. At the 47th AGM meeting of Reliance, Nita Ambani had gracefully welcomed her second daughter-in-law to the family. Speaking to shareholders at the meeting, Nita Ambani said, “This year, with the grace of our devis and devatas, Anant has embarked on a lifelong journey of togetherness with his soulmate Radhika. With open arms and hearts full of love, we welcome Radhika into our Reliance family.”
Radhika Merchant also stays in the news for her fashionable looks. She is often spotted with Bollywood star kids like Janhvi Kapoor and others who are close friends with her. She is also good friends with Orry. For more , stay tuned to BollywoodLife.