Celebrity weddings in Bollywood are indeed grand affairs and often manage to grab attention for their opulence and glamour. Despite the couple’s requests for privacy, the media and fans try to uncover vital information on social media. Recently, celebrity security consultant Yusuf Ibrahim revealed that it was toughest for them to manage ‘s marriage. Yes, you read that right! Fans had gathered outside their building and created chaos. In a new interview with Siddharth Kannan, Yusuf Ibrahim, a popular security consultant in Bollywood who is known for providing security to high-profile weddings said that Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding in April 2022 at their Pali Hill residence in Mumbai was a big challenge.
He explained that the couple kept their wedding a secret, but still, 350 media personnel and several fans gathered outside their building. They blocked the way and made it difficult for guests to enter the venue. He added saying, ‘It got even more challenging because even the guests at the wedding were celebrities. The chaos was such that even the people residing in the building got annoyed and were immensely troubled’.
Yusuf delegated a team of 60 bouncers who had different shifts of eighteen hours each, 24/7 for six days to ensure security. He said that the situation became tough when the media attempted to climb the walls to clip snaps of and . He also made some guards stand in uniform and others in civilian clothing to monitor the entire situation. He also said that Varun Dhawan’s wedding was the easiest one to manage as the couple organized their wedding at a resort during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yusuf said, ‘The family went in and came out only after three days. So there was nothing much to manage’.