Everyone was left shocked when an intruder attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra home on January 16. The man broke in, but Saif, in a brave attempt to protect his son Jeh, risked his own life. Unfortunately, during the scuffle, Saif was stabbed six times. The actor was rushed to Lilavati hospital and had to undergo surgery immediately.
By January 21, was finally back home, and there were multiple viral videos wherein he waved at fans and paps as he entered his building. People couldn’t stop praising his bravery, and many called him a real-life hero. There were also reports suggesting Kareena and the rest of the family gave him a grand welcome.
Now that Saif’s back home, his doctors have asked him to adhere to strict rules for his speedy recovery. According to ABP News, he’s been advised to avoid the gym and lifting weights for a while. Saif has also been asked to avoid shoots for the next few weeks as he needs full rest for a few more days. The actor could take at least a month to follow his regular routine.
As for the attacker, he has been identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, also known as Vijay Das. The cops have confirmed he’s a Bangladeshi national who entered India illegally.
While Saif was recovering in the hospital, several celebs, including Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor visited him to offer their support.