Singer has been in the news yet again, this time it is for his comments regarding ’s attendance at the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya. During a recent interview with Bollywood Thikana, Abhijeet made an indirect remark about Ranbir Kapoor that shocked everyone. He said, ‘When Ram Mandir was inaugurated, a person who eats beef was invited, aur aap Gau Mata karahe hain’. Well, the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya was attended by several Bollywood celebs including Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal and Ayushmann Khurrana and others. However, it was Abhijeet’s comment that has sparked controversy once again and his statement has ignited a fresh wave of debate.
was in the news for his past controversies surrounding his statements about eating beef. In a 2011 television interview, Ranbir had mentioned his preference for beef and his comment went viral on social media. In 2022, during a promotional campaign for his film Brahmastra everyone was shocked with his statement. This led to protests from Bajrang Dal activists who prevented him and his wife Alia Bhatt from entering the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain.
is known for his controversial opinions and he shared his views on the 2013 film Besharam. He sang the track, ‘Dil Ka Jo Haal Hai’. He said, ‘Thank God, I am not a singer of this era. I sang a song, ‘Dil Ka Jo Haal Hai,’ in a super flop film. The song wasn’t a hit. No one knows about the song’s film. However, if you play the song, you would know who sang it.’
He continued saying, ‘Even if the floppiest song plays, people would know whose song it is, and not the hero or film attached to it. The property belongs to the music company. They have the rights, and we don’t get royalty. However, everyone has ears and the voice that goes to the ear and heart is mine.’
Besharam starred Ranbir Kapoor alongside Pallavi Sharda, with Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor in pivotal roles. The film is directed by Abhinav Kashyap, the film failed at the box office.