Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya pair enthralled the audiences with the film Baby. Now, they are reuniting once again for an untitled project under the production of the Sithara Entertainments banner. Interestingly, it is touted to be the sequel of the 90s Web series.
90s series became a big hit on ETV Win. Starring Sivaji, Mouli, and others, the series is a blockbuster. The child artist Rohan, who played a key role in the series, got huge recognition. Now, his character gets an extension in the upcoming film.
The story will begin after ten years from where the story ended. Aditya Hasan who directed 90s is also directing the film. The team released an announcement video today which is fun and entertaining.
Sivaji and Vasuki Anand will return as parents. Rohan Roy’s role will be played by Anand Deverakonda. Vaishnavi Chaitanya plays the heroine. Naga Vamshi and Sai Soujanya will produce the film. The shoot begins soon.
Tags Anand Devarakonda Vaishnavi Chaitanya