Meet Morimoto, a 41-year-old Japanese man who has earned Rs 69 lakh by offering a unique service: simply being a “do-nothing” companion. Known for his calming presence, Morimoto receives around 1,000 requests each year from people looking for non-romantic company. Initially, he charged a fixed fee, but in 2024, he switched to a “pay-as-you-wish” model, allowing clients to pay what they feel is appropriate. While his role may seem unusual, Morimoto provides emotional comfort and support to those facing difficult moments in their lives, offering a sense of love and understanding during tough times.
Morimoto, a 41-year-old father of a seven-year-old, has become famous in Japan as the rental “do-nothing” guy. He earned around $80,000 (approximately Rs 69 lakh) last year by offering his company to strangers who need non-romantic companionship. Morimoto receives about 1,000 requests every year. Initially, he charged between 10,000 yen (around Rs 5,400) and 30,000 yen (around Rs 16,200) for a two- to three-hour session. However, by late 2024, he switched to a “pay-as-you-wish” model, allowing clients to decide how much to pay for his time.
Morimoto has said he’s not sure if this payment model will work in the long run, but he enjoys the process and is curious to see how it evolves. He doesn’t see this work as a way to make a living but as an opportunity to experience life and enjoy unique moments.
Morimoto’s job as a paid companion highlights a growing need for emotional support during difficult or uncomfortable times. His service goes beyond regular social or professional relationships, providing people with someone to be there for them—whether to offer comfort, be present, or simply listen. Through his work, Morimoto offers more than just companionship; he provides emotional support to help individuals navigate challenges in their personal lives.
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